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The WebQuest is based on the Australian Curriculum: Technologies key learning area. Designed for Year Three and Four Students, introduces students to composting. Students start by being introduced to compost and then through inquiry learning they investigate what it is made up of and how it works. Armed with the knowledge needed to make a compost the students then design posters for the school and encourage other students to start composting. Students then have hands on experience building a compost pile for the school to use. As students work through the webquest they progress from knowing and understanding the  materials, components, tools and equipment required for a compost system, to using their skills to design one for home use. This webquest enables students to see the impact of waste on the environment, encouraging them to contribute to a more sustainable pattern of living. 


The task can be used for formative or summative assessment purposes however will require a rubric to be made if using for summative. The reason a rubric has not been included is because it is more practical to have summative pieces that integrate more than two content descriptors from the Australian Curriculum. 


All the resources are located within the Process Page and can be downloaded or printed from there. 




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