Talking Trash
Your Task
Your task is to design a compost system that you can use in your home. If you already have one in your home design one for a family members or neighbours home.
Due Date
Your teacher will inform you of when this assessment task is due. It should be completed in classtime taking up approximately two lessons.
There are so many ways in which you can work towards a sustainable future and be more environmentally friendly. One such way is to change the way in which you dispose of items of garbage.
To demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of:
Investigate the suitability of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment for a range of purposes (ACTDEK013)
To demonstrate your ability to:
Select and use materials, components, tools, equipment and techniques and use safe work practices to make designed solutions (ACTDEP016)
To start this task
Think about
Where would you put the compost - do you live in an apartment or house with backyard? This will make a difference in your design and system
What materials, tools and equipment will you need to make your compost? You need to list EVERYTHING
How you will get the garbage to the compost bin? What system will you implement?
To complete this task
Using the information above design a compost system that will work in your/family/neighbours home
Display this like a recipe, include: equipment needed, tools needed, materials needed, step by step guide of how you will make the compost
Write a statement that includes:
why you selected the equipment, tools and materials you did
what is important about the materials you have selected, what does it accomplish
Draw a picture of the compost - what will it look like once you have built it (use your step by step guide to help you here)
Your teacher will provide you with how this task will be evaluated.