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We are learning all about compost including:


What it is

What it is for

How it works

What is in it

How to make one

How it impacts the environment

I am looking for


Your ability to know the materials, equipment, tools and components of composting

Your ability to design a compost for home use

Your reasoning for the design, materials, equipment, tools and components of your compost system

There are three lessons in this WebQuest which will require you to work in groups or individually. The fourth lesson will be where you start work on your assessment task. If at any stage you require help please ask your teacher. All worksheets that you may need are included in the lessons. 


Each lesson you will need: your workbook or journal and a pencil. 


When you see the 'partner' picture (to the right), you will need to get together with your partner to complete the activity. 

When you close and come back to your WebQuest you can access the lesson you are up to by clicking on the lesson number below. 

Anchor 1

In this first lesson we will look at the 5W's + H. This will help build your knowledge about composting. 


What is compost? Why should you compost? How do you compost? Where do you compost? When is compost ready to use? Who can compost?


To begin this lesson, in your workbook make up a Compost KWL chart and fill in; what you KNOW about composting and what you WANT to know about composting. Have this checked by a partner and then write your response on the class KWL COMPOST Poster. We will revisit this at the end of the WebQuest. 

Have a look at the following. 

Click on the title to access the website or play the video. 

A video answering the questions, what is compost, why should you compost, how do you compost and when is it ready to use.

Some things to read about what composting is. 

How compost helps the environment.

Now that you have looked at a few things, open the following document and follow the instructions.




You have reached the end of lesson one. Take your worksheet to your teacher and be prepared to answer questions about what you have done this lesson. 

Anchor 2

This lesson will be looking at the components of how compost works. You will investigate the different components of compost and the processes of compost from waste to nutrient rich soil for your garden. 

Using SafeSearch your first task in this lesson is to find out all the 'ingredients' required to make a compost. Use the following document and fill in the materials, tools and ingredients you think might be needed to make a compost. 

It is important you keep this document safe as it will be handy when the time comes to complete your assessment task

Take this opportunity to share your results with your partner. Did you have the same tools, equipment and materials? Was there something that your partner found but you didn't? Add these to your list.

Have a look at the following. 

Click on the title to access the website or play the video. 

A video that shows some of the things that occurs in the compost to make it ready for use. 

A website that provides an overview of what is in compost and how it is made up. 

Some tips of what to include in a compost and the benefits. 

A handy website that includes all you need to know about composting. 

Compost Lifecycle

You should now be able to fill in the 'Procedure' section on your Compost Recipe worksheet. Work with a friend if you would like to. 

Let's recap some information you learned this lesson. 

You have reached the end of lesson two. Take your worksheet to your teacher and be prepared to answer questions about what you have done this lesson. 

Anchor 3

Now that you know what compost is, what goes in a compost and how to get it started we'll use that knowledge to start a compost system in our school. In this lesson you will work in pairs or small groups to make promotional materials that can be displayed in classrooms and around the school. You will be allocated a classroom to present them a compost bin and explain what can go in it and why it will be good for the school to participate. Once you have presented this you will put the clearly labelled compost bin outside the classroom with your poster. Follow the steps below.



Task 1

  • Design and make a poster that can be put in your allocated classroom. This needs to be appealing to your allocated class (think what would preps like, what would year 6 like), it also needs to include what can go into the compost bin and what cannot go into the compost bin. Label your compost bin clearly.

  • You now need to make a speech or have notes of what you will say to your allocated class to inform them of composting. You can decide if 1 person talks or all in your group talks. 

  • Let your teacher know you are ready to go to your allocated class/es. Take your compost bin, posters and speech notes. Remember our school rules for talking in other classrooms. Speak clearly and make it fun. Put the compost bin and posters in an easily accessible location. You will collect the bins after first break, but inform the class they will need to take the compost to the compost area from tomorrow. 

Task 2

  • Make a list of all the things you can collect to add to the compost area that the groundskeeper has made for us. Think back to lesson 1 and 2 of what is needed for the compost to work.

  • Collect your hat, bucket, gloves and anything else you may need when you are out on the school grounds collecting these items. 

  • With your partner, you have 15 minutes to collect items to add to the compost area. Meet at the compost area to begin building our compost. 

  • Each group will have a turn adding their materials in order.

Task 3

  • In your workbook/journal under today's date write a reflection of the process of composting you participated in today. This will help you for your assessment task. 

You have reached the end of lesson three. Take your workbook/journal to your teacher and be prepared to answer questions about what you have done this lesson. 

Anchor 4

One final task before you go to the next section. Revisit your KWL chart in your workbook and fill in the what you have LEARNT section. Highlight any what you WANT to know questions that you have found answers to. If there are questions you did not answer take this time now to discuss with your classmates. Transfer your LEARNT information to the class KWL poster. 


So what's next?

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